Arizona Grown Almond Trees. Using Specific root stock selected for the Soils and Conditions we have in the American Southwest. Our Proven Producer's insure yields that match or exceed other Almond Producing Areas.
With Continual High Demand for Almonds the Southwest has great opportunity to produce great early season crops to insure high early season prices. We continue to see forcasted demand for these nuts.
There seems to be an almost endless use for Almonds. Think about it,, doesn't it seem everything has some type of Almond with it? "Almond Milk"... Really!
Even with total global production at 2.7 million tonnes, (as of 2014) with the United States providing 57% of the total. California produce's a majority of Almonds where over 1,000,000 acres are under production in 2017, with a yield of 2.25 billion lbs of shelled almonds.The value of total US exports of shelled almonds in 2016 was $3.2 billion. Arizona and other regions of the Southwest are ideally suited for producing volumes of these nuts.
With Continual High Demand for Almonds the Southwest has great opportunity to produce great early season crops to insure high early season prices. We continue to see forcasted demand for these nuts.
There seems to be an almost endless use for Almonds. Think about it,, doesn't it seem everything has some type of Almond with it? "Almond Milk"... Really!
Even with total global production at 2.7 million tonnes, (as of 2014) with the United States providing 57% of the total. California produce's a majority of Almonds where over 1,000,000 acres are under production in 2017, with a yield of 2.25 billion lbs of shelled almonds.The value of total US exports of shelled almonds in 2016 was $3.2 billion. Arizona and other regions of the Southwest are ideally suited for producing volumes of these nuts.